P5Innobroker presented at Greentech Innovation Meeting at Technopôle de l’Arbois
On Tuesday 5th July 2023, P5Innobroker’ partner Éa éco-entreprises and Samira Boussetta from DG Growth were invited to present its project to the public attending the Greentech Innovation event.
Public buyers representatives of the Aix-Marseille Metropolis were invited to present their actions to include innovation in their procurement together with a local representant of the General Public Procurement Agency (UGAP – Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics). Innovative SMEs were also invited to introduce themselves and explain their difficulties in applying or winning innovative public procurement.
Éa éco-entreprises had the opportunity to present P5Innobroker’s activities for both public buyers (PP) and innovative SMEs. Fruitful exchanges took place after the presentation with the public attending.
Another event in September 2023 organised by Éa éco-entreprises should follow regarding Public Procurement and ecological transition. P5Innobroker is once again invited to participate and involve innovative SMEs and public buyers in its activities.