P5 Innobroker was in Toulon on conference on sustainable public procurement

On 7th September 2023, the conference on “Sustainable Public Procurement and Ecological Transition” was held in Toulon (Var department), France.

Co-organised by Éa éco-entreprises, the Regional Cluster of eco-enterprises and Toulon Provence Méditerrannée Metropolis; sponsored by EODD, Aklea, Silex, Canopée, Sanisphere as well as supported by project P5Innobroker, the event gathered more than 300 registered persons of which 122 local public authorities.

Public authorities had the opportunity to express their demands and suggest the use of innovative solutions when they are not able to define or foresee their needs. At the same time, public authorities had the chance to exchange with potential solution providers, eco- companies, able to offer a panorama of solutions adapted to the territorial needs.

Throughout the day, the programme included pitch sessions dedicated to public buyers and SMEs. In total, 5 public authorities could pitch their current needs in regards to their sustainable strategies, and 8 SMEs were given the opportunity to present their eco-solutions. 2

Three round tables paced the day: the first one aiming at integrating environmental issues into public procurement, the second one addressed the challenge for a sustainable digital sector and the third one delt with the collection and recycling of organics waste.

Participants were able to meet companies, associations, regional agencies and the P5Innobroker project represented by Ms. Cristina Casian Colonna d’Istria from the Éa éco-entreprises in the exhibitors' village.

This event gathered in the same room public buyers and companies focused on sustainable development. It was the opportunity to raise public buyers’ awareness on the importance of sustainable public procurement and encourage direct communication between buyers and potential suppliers. In the light of the success of this event, the third edition of the event on sustainable public procurement and ecological transition will be organised in 2024.

In the framework of the conference, we could also promote the next Éa’s “innovation club” aiming to train SMEs to the innovative public procurement. The club will be organised in the 3 framework of the P5Innnobrober project on the 5th of December. Speakers such as Société Canal de Provence, Perspectives and Birds for Change will share practices and discuss the main challenges of the innovative public procurement in France.

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