Awareness raising event on Smart Specialisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
On 19th May representative of project partner Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency SERDA attended Awareness raising event on Smart Specialisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is working closely with countries beyond the European Union to help develop and implement innovation strategies based on the principles of Smart Specialisation. The Smart Specialisation (S3) process in Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently in preparation, following a recent decision by the Council of Ministers. The S3 process will follow the Joint Research Centre (JRC)'s methodological Framework for Smart Specialisation in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries. The S3 working group of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been recently formed. The S3 of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be developed by taking into consideration the country's governance architecture including the state level, the two entities of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska), and Brcko District. At moment, on the state level, the government approved its revised Science and Technology Development Strategy 2018-2022. The Republika Srpska has a Strategy and Policy of Industrial Development 2016-2020 that includes innovation policy measures as well as a Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development. A draft strategy for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was published in 2012.