P5 Innobroker on the Digital Health 2023 congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia
P5 Innobroker organizes a session on CPI at the Digital Health 2023 congress with the participation of the Policy Officer of DG GROW of the European Commission
In late February P5Innobroker partners did two-day visit in Slovenia with the focus on getting insight in Slovenian ecosystem of innovation and start-ups plus presenting the P5innobroker objectives and activities via an outstanding innovation show at the occasion of digital Health Conference, Ljubljana, 23/02/2023 . In addition, the partners of the P5 Innobroker project held a consortium meeting and visited the Primorska Technology Park in Nova Gorica.
More over , the conference offered dedicated panel on Public Procurement of Innovation by Samira Boussetta, Policy Officer of the Dirección General GROW of the Commission Europea and Carlos García Delgado, our project leader.
Key messages: The health sector offers immense options for PPI, barriers to the use of PPI are not as insurmountable as at first glance, there are many already good practices and there are many available EU tools on how to use the PPI instrument.