P5 Innobroker team were on two day event in Sarajevo
P5 Innobroker support innovation public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina
P5 Innobroker partners meet on 16th of May in Sarajevo with main focus on getting insight in Bosnia and Herzegtovina ecosystem of innovation. Therefor partners visited University of Sarajevo Rectorate and have mmeting with representatives of the Department for Scientific Research and Development and Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Also, P5 Innobroker team visited the Mozaik foundation, which provides significant support to small and medium-sized enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They expressed their interest in continuing cooperation on public procurement of innovations, which they consider very important for the growth of companies that will contribute to the development of the business ecosystem in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On 17th May P5 INNOBROKER team was on Decarbonization event in Sarajevo.
It was the great opportunity for supporting and boosting procurement of innovation in decarbonization sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The panel session was dedicated to innovations in decarbonization with presentations of good practices.
More over , the conference offered dedicated panel on Public Procurement of Innovation by Samira Boussetta, Policy Officer of the Dirección General GROW of the Commission Europea and Germán López Lara, Head of the Energy and Environmental Sector in CTA who give insight of EU current focus in decarbonization.
Pitching session was great opportunity for SMEs and start-ups to present their innovation to potential public buyers wishing to undertake innovation procurements.
Key messages: The energy sector and decarbnization offers immense options for PPI, barriers to the use of PPI are not as insurmountable as at first glance, there are many already good practices and there are many available EU tools on how to use the PPI instrument.