Open Market Consultation in Greece
Request for Information for Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs) valorization paths. This Request for Information has been launched by CERTH as part of the Open Market Consultation within P5 Innobroker project.

Request for Information for Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs) valorization paths. This Request for Information has been launched by CERTH as part of the Open Market Consultation within P5 Innobroker project.
· What is currently available on the market (state of the art);
· What are the current developments and their maturity levels;
· Whether the obstacles faced by the Users can be addressed with these developments;
· Whether the market companies are available to exploit some kind of partnership, when incapable of responding themselves to the full range of solutions requested for the Valorization of a specific waste stream: Spent Coffee Grounds (SCGs) from HORECA.
Both buyers and SMEs need dedicated support and assistance to implement and partake in Innovation Procurement bids. The project P5 INNOBROKER as Innovation Procurement Broker aims at bridging this gap and facilitate mutual interaction and networking within the Innovation ecosystem by providing specialised services and contacts. P5 INNOBROKER project is financed by the EU COSME Programme.
Public procurer DIADYMA SA with the technical assistance of CERTH and the P5 Innobroker project is very interested in your experiences in the different tools that make up the innovative and sustainable solution for the utilization of coffee residues to create bioproducts.
Therefore, we kindly ask you to answer the Request for Information below: